Contact Info
Geneviève Drouin
Genevieve started training for armored combat in 2017, entering the sport with a background in judo. In under 2 years, she fought for team Poland at Battle of the Nations and again that year at Dynamo Cup in Moscow. Gen focuses on melees, and Profights. she competed in Profights at DragonCon in 2021.
As Canada's HMBIA representative for women, currently training in Toronto with Scallagrims, Gen's vision is to build a strong team of women to fight with both locally and internationally. She aims to offer support and guidance in armored combat, whether you wish to compete or simply get into practicing that incredibly unique sport.
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Bailey Neil
Bailey started training in armoured combat in 2019, with eyes set on being the women’s national sword and shield representative. She took her first gold at the Canadian IMCF tryouts in 2020, and since then, she has continued training and competing in sword and shield, and long sword duels. Winning her pool at the 2023 IMCF Championships in Spain, she made it all the way to the bronze medal match, leaving her in fourth. Her main focus is making sure there is always a place for women within the sport and continuing to compete at the highest level.